A journey towards excellence… From “Trend Setters” towards becoming “Undisputed Leaders”,
Our journey on the path of excellence is advancing perpetually. Our Claims are No Mere Words, Our Success Stories Speak Volumes about efforts taken by our team. Our students excel and outshine almost in every field and set new standards for others to scale. May it be Maharashtra state Board Scholarships, Homi Bahbha Balvaigyanik Exam, SOF Olympiads, CBSE National level Science Exhibition, Spell bee, Rashtrabhasha, NMTC, or Various Sports like Football, Basket Ball, Dodge Ball, Net Ball or Karate, Our students are outperforming everywhere. Where are we standing after 5 Years…..? After 5 Years we have 1156 students on board whereas we started with… 55 students As an institution we are able to achieve all this in such a short span at such a young age…. that too consistently…This is due to our grit, our undying perseverance, our indivisibility and concord to reach our goal. But…. We are not satisfied just by these individual performances… We are Zealous to achieve more and are diligently working for the same… We are uplifting rural students admitted through RTE up to the academic levels of urban students. This is to shade apart the valley of attaining success and delivering… All this is done by us by charging least fees amongst the reputed schools of the city…
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Art N Craft Studio
Biology Laboratory
Chemistry Laboratory
Computer Lab
Dance Studio
Kho Kho
Mathematics Laboratory
Physics Laboratory
Volley Ball