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Swadhaa Waldorf Learning Centre

Swadhaa Waldorf Learning Centre started in the year 2012 with a belief that when we learn with deep engagement of heart and not just the head, it makes the world of knowledge more colorful and enjoyable.

We are inspired by Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s educational work which is based on a profound understanding of human development. It is a beautiful, gentle and creative way of education for children. The uniquely designed curriculum of Dr. Rudolf Steiner rooted in the Indian context forms the basis of our school. We also derive our inspiration from Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi’s Nai Taleem, David Horsburgh, J. Krishnamurthy, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev and other seers.


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Teacher Jobs in Swadhaa Waldorf Learning Centre, Pune

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