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Teaching Jobs

From Dec 2019 Full Time Primary Teacher (PRT) FEMALE - Utkarsh Foundation School, Bhagalpur

Utkarsh Foundation School

Bhagalpur Full Time Primary School 29 Dec 19

Key Skills :

Teaching all areas of the primary curriculum; Taking responsibility for the progress of a class of primary-age pupils; Organising the classroom and learning resources and creating displays to encourage a positive learning environment; Planning, preparing and presenting lessons that cater for the needs of the whole ability range within their class; Motivating pupils with enthusiastic, imaginative presentation; Maintaining discipline; Preparing and marking work to facilitate positive pupil development; Meeting requirements for the assessment and recording of pupils' development; Providing feedback to parents and carers on a pupil's progress at parents' evenings and other meetings; Coordinating activities and resources within a specific area of the curriculum, and supporting colleagues in the delivery of this specialist area; Working with others to plan and coordinate work; Keeping up to date with changes and developments in the structure of the curriculum;,
