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Teaching Strategies to Implement in Classroom

Classroom culture is prone to get monotonous with teachers delivering lectures and dictating notes and students being the passive listeners. It can be made more interactive and engaging if teachers upgrade their teaching strategies occasionally to drive them towards learning. They are the only life force who can mould students to their best potential. Teachers have the ability to make classroom student friendly and learning more fun.

Classrooms should develop a cordial environment and for that it is important to create a vibrant setting which can bring positivity to both scholar and pupil. The best teachers are the ones who creates an effect and leaves a mark in the best possible way.

Teaching is considered to be one of the toughest professions because it requires you to remain mentally, physically and emotionally active as long as you are in the class premises.

Teachers should not only stick to one method but adopt different teaching strategies for effective classroom results. Here are some techniques which might be beneficial in the long run:

Visualization: Sometimes, teachers need to break away from the traditional method and bring creativity in their teaching. Visuals like diagrams, pictures on smart boards, models etc would make learning much easier and fun. The visualization process gives a wider understanding about the topic. It helps students to grasp the topic in a more simplified manner.

Behaviour Management: Behaviour management is very significant as it determines the state of mind of students and teachers. A bad behaviour can ruin the mood of students to learn and teachers to teach. Proper behaviour increases the chances of interaction in the classroom and the students won’t be hesitant to pose a question or clear their doubts if necessary. This would create a mutual trust among students and teachers.

Collaborate: Collaborative learning is a process where the students of different abilities or mixed abilities work together towards a common goal. The interaction with each other develops self-confidence and enhances communication skills. Some of the activities are group projects, group discussion or some physical activities etc.

Inquiry based: It focuses on high-order thinking skills which demands students to pose questions and inspires them to think. Generally, students ask questions to teachers towards the end of a lecture but here teachers should ask students questions to evaluate their understanding of the subject. It lets students to introspect their cognitive level and also increases problem solving skills.

Personalized Teaching: assigning tasks or activities to each student according to their abilities gives every student a chance to take part in class activities. In this way no student will be left behind which eventually leads in equal number of participations.

Technology: With the changing times, technology is overpowering in every sector so it is important for teachers to implement new ways of learning in the classroom. Interactive boards or smart boards can be used to show images or videos to help students conceptualize the subject and apply it in day-to-day life.

Teaching as a profession requires a whole lot of patience to deal with children. Changing teaching methods and strategies more often is the only way to get them under control and increase their attention.