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Challenges of Implementing Multiple Intelligence in the Curriculum

The idea of multiplicity of intelligence was brought into the discourse of cognitive sciences by Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983 who suggested that the traditional concept of intelligence is limited. Conve... Read More


Looking for teaching job in India? Here are the top secrets that you all need to know

India has been a place where people have been continuously struggling for getting a desired job. Especially finding a teaching a job in India has never been so easy for the educational professionals. ... Read More


Effective Teaching Methods and Techniques for Pre-school Teachers

The job of a preschool teacher consists of a bagful of responsibilities which are sensitive as it involves dealing with kids of a tender age. This phase is considered to be a crucial one for them in t... Read More


The Donts of Teaching

The previous article was about the strategies or methods to be adopted for an effective teaching. Here, the main focus would be on the practices a teacher should desist from. Teaching is a remarkable ... Read More

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